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One Regulatory Platform
All in one regulatory platform to meet challenging and continuously changing banking regulatory landscape.

GenIO suite of regulatory solutions is Simian flagship compliance solution for banks and financial institutions providing an automated platform to meet their regulatory compliance needs.
All in one regulatory platform to meet challenging and continuously changing banking regulatory landscape.
Monitor progress of each report generation and other activities in one place. Identify and rectify issues with speed.
Supports various database and operating systems. Compatible with various core banking systems.
Our support goes beyond regular application support with business process outsourcing services for regulatory compliance.
GenIO IRRS (Integrated Regulatory Reporting Solution) is our key regulatory platform providing data integration, regulatory data marts, and a cloud-ready business interface to manage your organization compliance reporting.
1 Antasena Module
A set of comprehensive financial and static data reports with varying report interval of daily, monthly, quarterly and yearly occurrence with a uniform format according to the metadata set by the central bank (Bank Indonesia).
2SLIK Module
Debtor information reports containing information related to debtors, facilities, provision of funds received by debtors and other related information. Monthly submission to Debtor Information System manage by the Service Authority Finance of Indonesia (OJK).
3Apolo Module
Created by Simian for banks/financial Institutions to provide RWA (Risk Weighted Assets) reports. These reports are used to determine the minimum amount of capital that must be held by banks and other financial institutions in order to reduce the risk of insolvency.
4SIUL Module
“Sistem Information Utang Luar Negeri” contains reports to monitor private sector foreign including for banks, non-banks and individuals. Monthly reporting to central bank (Bank Indonesia).
5LLD Module
Foreign Exchange Activities Report (“Laporan Lalu Lintas Devisa”) covers information regarding transactions, positions, including DHE SDA transactions and positions. Compliant to Bank Indonesia metadata and report specification. Reported monthly.
6O-Box Module
Reporting module to allow the bank to share its transactional information and other data on certain time range via its repository with specific goals such as to increase the information flow to the regulators more efficiently, to increase the risk awareness to its entire employees, and to provide early detection of potential problems.
NAnd many more...
GenIO FCS (Financial Crime Solution) automate the identification of bad actors and suspicious transactions in real time. Our AI-powered engine help reduce false positives and improve compliance team operational capabilities to detect, review and report financial crime.
GenIO IFRS (International Financial Reporting Standard) provides modeling and forecasting capabilities for IFRS 9 (PSAK 71) compliance. Issued by the International Accounting Standards Board (IASB) IFRS aims to make financial statements consistent, comparable and transparent across the world. IFRS 9 in particular specifies how an entity should classify and measure financial assets, financial liabilities, and some contracts to buy or sell non-financial items.
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