
Custodian Services

Custodian consultancy, training and technology services. Leverage on our expertise and modern technology to improve your custodian business.

Medallion is a business-driven and integrated custodian solution used by leading custodian banks in Indonesia.

The suite consists of modular products seamlessly integrated to provide an efficient end-to-end workflow for core custodian and fund administration services.

Medallion by the Numbers

20 years Track Record

4 of top 5 local custodian banks in Indonesia use Medallion

First and only 1 Sharia (Islamic Banking) compliance for custody

IDR 1,500 trillion (USD ~120 billion) assets under custody supported

Handles over 1,000 funds and 4.5 million total individual investors


Through our experience and industry knowledge, we understand that operational efficiency and risk management is the key to enable continuous growth in a very competitive custodian business landscape.

Medallion mission is to reduce cost of operations through automation and to mitigate risk through transparent and efficient processes in a single platform.

This way, our clients can benefit from a streamlined, safe and efficient operations both for core custody and their fund administration services - as required now and in the future.

Key Products

collection collection

Medallion Portfolio provides the core custodian functionality.

It’s features include customer information, securities and pricing, portfolio maintenance, transaction handling initiated by both customer (RVP / DVP / RFOP / DFOP) and issuer (corporate action), portfolio valuation, interest accrual and safe keeping fee processing.

fund fund

Medallion Fund is the fund accounting module supporting wide variety of fund structures both for individual and corporate.

Its features include fund registration, compliance, NAV processing, as well as fund accounting and management fee calculations. All accounting follows the Financial Accounting Standards and reports generated will be according to IFRS (PSAK) rules.

collection collection

Medallion Registry manages unit holding at investor level. It tracks Subscription, Redemption, and Switching at investor level, validate transactions and calculate unit holding based on price from the fund accounting module.

Its features include investor registration and maintenance, unit registry, transaction processing and settlement (subscribe, redeem, switching, dividend), unit valuation and account statement.

fund fund

Medallion Direct is a customer self-service portal.

Through the portal, clients can access information and inquire about their portfolio holdings, NAV, invoicing and settlement status to name a few. The portal also allows for direct instructions (transactions).

Supports End-To-End Business Flow

Front office operations, portfolio management, trading and compliance functions are seamlessly integrated to easily manage multiple and complex portfolios with speed and confidence.

Based on a complete front office transaction history, middle office risk management can be fully integrated with requirements for performance measurement, to show the current state of a business at all times.

For subsequent back office procedures, Medallion can handle the full post trade processing cycle, as well as all related operational processes, such as corporate actions, regulatory and client reporting, and fund accounting.


Each asset management organization is different in its own way. Medallion is therefore designed to have the flexibility to cater to different needs of each organization big and small.

It’s modularity and scalability allows Medallion to easily accommodate current and future business needs.

Why You Need Custodian
Consultancy & Training

Dynamic Development in the industry

Keep up with the latest market developments

Latest market research, regulatory developments and new services

Custodian knowledge is limited

Scarcity of resources with in-depth custodian knowledge

Enablement and refreshment courses for new and existing staff

Helicopter View to Ensure Smooth Business Operations

Organization structure recommendation

End to end business processes design from core custody to fund administration

Business Strategies definition (SWOT analysis, sales & KPI, cross selling strategies, pricing governance & strategies, market advocacy)

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Master Data Management


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Custodian Service


Selling Agency and Wealth Management

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